Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Boston 2014

**Disclaimer...this post is not intended to brag or boast about myself, but rather a keepsake to remember such an unforgettable experience, and maybe even a "Thank You" to all those that supported my journey!**

**Grab a cup of coffee or a cocktail because this is one LONG post!! 

Saturday, April 19,2014
     3:30 am Rise & Shine!! Time to roll out of bed and make sure everyone else is ready to leave to catch our 6:30 am flight to BOSTON!!! We arrive at DFW, eat breakfast, board the plane, and enjoy the 4 hour flight on Jet Blue! This was our first experience with Jet Blue and it was wonderful! The boys plugged in their headphones to the individual tv's and the rest was history! So what if they watched 4 hours of Sponge Bob, they were happy and not bothering anyone!!

     We arrive in Boston, hop the shuttle to our hotel, and are greeted by all 4 grandparents!! All is right in the world now....4 grandparents who can't really say NO to two little boys, this is sure to be a fun weekend! After a quick adult beverage, and first cheers to Boston we decided to tackle the train station and head into downtown to hit up the race expo! 
     We arrived down town without too much trouble and after a late lunch finally made it to the expo!! I picked up my race bib and all the info I needed for race day! At this point the nerves are starting to set in!! 

     We walked through the vendor area for about 30 minutes, bought the boys "Boston Conqures All" T-shirts to wear on race day, and got the heck out of there! It was insanely crowded and giving me anxiety! Hey, I'm just being honest!!

     Next up...Carb loading!!! Rouse had made reservations in the North End for both Saturday and Sunday night! The North End is full of Italin restaurants and both nights were delicious. We took the train from downtown to the North End to walk around a bit and find our restaurant!
     Saturday night we ate at Mother Anna's restaurant, and although we were there FOREVER, it was still yummy! The boys were very well behaved considering they had been up since 4:00 am and walked around Boston for most of the day! After dinner it was time to call it a day so we caught the train back to our hotel and called it a night! This runner needed some rest!! 

Sunday, April 20, 2013
     HAPPY EASTER!!! After a pretty good nights sleep Keags arrived at my bedside around 7:30 with a cup of coffee wishing me Happy Easter! The boys had one on one sleepovers with the grandparents while we were there so they could spend a little more time with them, and allow me to rest! Win,win!! 
    We let the boys swim in the indoor pool while the adults took turns life guarding and getting ready, and then headed out for the day! On our agenda: 1...find the statues of the ducks from the book," Make Way for Ducklings" (awesome book!)
2...go to the original Cheers!
3...visit Fenway park
However, our first priority was to figure out the best way for me to get to Boston Commons on race day. I didn't want anyone to have be up early to take me, so I figured out how to get there on the train and we did a "trial" run on Sunday! Once I had that under my belt I felt much better and was even able to help fellow runners find their way on race morning! 

   We enjoyed a little stroll through Boston Commons park and made our way towards Cheers! We originally thought we would just stop by and take a picture but when we arrived we could be seated right away for lunch! Score!! Easter lunch at Cheers...never thought I'd say that! 

     After a yummy lunch and purchasing a few keepsakes, we crossed the street and found the ducks!! I read the book "Make Way for Ducklings" the week before we left and they loved it. It's about a duck couple that travels around Boston looking for the perfect place to make a nest! They chose Boston Commons and there are now statues of mother and her babies! 

     The ducks had Easter bonnets and race bibs on! We also ran into the Easter bunny while we were in the park and she kindly gave us directions to Fenway Park! That's one smart bunny!! 

     We caught the train and headed for the baseball park! Unfortunatey we were a little late and unable to take a tour of the inside but it was still cool to see. So we headed back to the hotel to let the boys swim for a little bit before dinner! 

     Dinner Sunday night was once again pasta at Lemmonchello in the North End. We had enough food on our table to feed an army! Tons of spaghetti and meatballs, salad, fresh made mozzarella, bread, and of course delicious wine! As soon as our food was served Kohen said his belly hurt and then fell asleep on my lap after I finished my dinner. We all finished eating, I handed Kohen to Rouse to carry outside and they weren't 5 feet out the door and he vomits everywhere! 😥. At least he waited until he was outside...that would have been horrible in the restaurant! 
     I, of course go immediately into panic mode! What could be wrong with him, maybe he's just exhausted from traveling and sight seeing, is he going to make it to the race tomorrow, what about the flight home, what happens if I start vomitting?? I trained 4 hard months for this race and I'm running it NO MATTER WHAT!!! After a stern statement from my hubby saying, "I'm taking care of him tonight while you rest," I sent Rouse and Kohen to my inlaws room for the night. As much as it hurt not being with my baby when he was sick I knew it was the right thing to do. He was in good hands and I tried my best to let it go and rest! 

Monday, April 21, 2014 RACE DAY!!
     After a fairly decent nights sleep my alarm went off at 5:00 am!! IT'S FINALLY RACE DAY!! I hit the snooze once and then hopped out of bed! I wanted to have plenty of time to get ready and catch the hotel shuttle to the train station. It was a little chilly that morning so I layered up with old clothes that I could toss at the start! All the clothes that were left behind were donated to local chairties! 
     I caught the shuttle, took the train into downtown Boston, and then had a short walk to Boston Commons! Once I arrived in the Commons I loaded onto a school bus that transports you out to Hopkins where the race begins. I would say it was about a 40 minute bus ride! Most runners take the busses and it was a pretty cool experience. I sat next to a young girl that had run Boston 8 times, this year being her 9th. She had a 4 month old baby girl and said she wasn't able to train as much as she would have liked but she was still going for it!! She had a ton of running experience through high school and college so she knew what she was doing and was able to give me a few helpful hints!! 
     We arrived in Hopkins and the busses drop you off in a big field outside a high school. Thankfully the weather was awesome because I could not imagine standing in the cold or rain for 2+ hours before the actual start of the race. I grabbed a small cup of coffee, a banana, a bagel, a bottled water, and then found a spot in the sun to sit and relax. After a few minutes a nice man by the name of Kevin (coincidence) came by with a big tarp asking me and a few other runners around if we wanted to sit on it to stay dry. He had run Boston before when it's been wet and miserable so he always brings a tarp to sit on while he's waiting and then leaves it behind for runners in later waves. It was really nice to have people to talk to and kind of calmed my nerves a little. The one piece of advice that I heard numerous times from experienced Boston runners was, "take the first 3-4 miles slow! The start is all downhill and it's easy to get excited, let the adrenalin take over and go out too fast! If you start fast you will pay for it by mile 16 and your quads will be toast!" Let me tell you...easier said then done!! 

     Around 10:00 am my wave was finally called to head to the start line!! I was ready! The weather was perfect, I felt like I had eaten properly the last few days to fuel my race, I had my shot blocks stored in my running skirt, and I had talked to Rouse who told me Kohen slept all night and was fine! *sidnote...I wasn't sure if he was just telling me this so I wouldn't worry or if he was being honest! After the race I confirmed he was being honest!* IT WAS GO TIME! The only thing left was to trust my training and enjoy the race!! 

     I tried my best to listen to everyone's advice and start out slow and take the first few miles easy. My game plan was to take water at every mile (starting at mile 2), slowing down enough to actually drink, and taking 2 shot blocks at mile 5 and 1 shot block every other mile after that with the last one being at mile 23! 
     I stuck to my plan and felt pretty good the entire race! The crowds were AMAZING!! There were people lining the course for the entire 26.2 miles! I'm serious when I say I didn't take a single step without someone there cheering you along! In some places people were 5 rows deep and the colleges were the best!! All the students were out, drinking beer, offering the runners beer, dancing to music, holding awesome signs, and just having fun! It was definitely a spirit booster! 
     The course itself was much different from my first marathon but I was prepared for all the rolling hills! It was definitely a challenge (what marathon isn't?) but I never once thought about walking or giving up! I kept thinking of all the people who were cheering for me from all over the country and thinking about all those who were actually tracking my progress, which was kind of nerve racking! 

     I never hit "the wall" and when I hit Heartbreak Hill at mile 19-20 I knew I needed to dig deep and the last 6 miles would be a breeze...kind of!! I attacked the hill like all the previous hills on the course...start out a little slower, pick up the pace half way through, and then give it everything towards the top and carry that momentum on the down! I conqured Heartbreak Hill and at this point I just wanted to finish strong. I setteled into a good pace, gave high 5's to several spectators for a little extra boost, and focused on seeing the famous huge Citgo sign at mile 25! 

     The moment I saw the sign I remember saying " Thank God," out loud!! I knew my family was going to be near the finish on the right hand side of the shoot! I took the turn at mile 25 and moved over to the right side. I ran another 1/4 mile and saw Rouse yelling his face off!! Words CANNOT describe how incredible the feeling was when I saw my cheering section! I immediately threw my hands in the air and stopped to give each one of them a kiss!! It was exactly what I needed to get me through my last mile! 

     The last mile was full of different emotions....excited, scared, proud, exhausted, sore, thirsty, honored, but most of all blessed!
      Blessed to be able to participate in the worlds oldest annual marathon (this year being the 118th), and a race that ranks as one of the worlds most prestigious road racing events! Blessed to have the husband and boys to support my training and put up with me when I was sore, tired, sick of eating pasta, or just plain burnt out! Blessed to stay strong, healthy, and injury free! And, blessed to have countless family and friends cheering and encouraging me along the way! I COULD NOT have made it through those 26.2 miles without all of you! 
     I crossed that finish line with a HUGE smile on my face! I received my medal and smiled for the camera! I was going to enjoy every minute of my success...after all, I worked darn hard for it!! I immediately called Rouse and we chose a place to meet up in the Boston Commons area! As I walked, or should I say limped, (yes the quads were toast) to meet my family I received hundreds of congratulations! EVERY person you walk by congratulates you! I felt like a celebrity!  The volunteers thanked the runners for being there as they handed out water, food, medals, heat sheets, etc. The atmosphere was indescribable! 

     After a few photos it was time to hop the train back to our hotel and theng off to the airport to fly home! We said our goodbyes to all the grandparents (never get easier) and headed to the airport. We arrived in plenty of time to eat and celebrate! 

     We boarded our flight and Kohen was asleep before we even took off! He slept the entire 4 hour flight, woke up long enough to walk to the car, and then was back to sleep for the night! Keags watched a little tv before crashing as well! Boston wore us out! 

     We arrived home around midnight and were greeted with a wonderful surprise from our awesome next door neighbors! Thank you Wilson Family!! 

    My recovery was going really well until late Wednesday night when I started feeling yucky. Fever, chills, nauseous, and just flat out exhausted! I could not keep my eyes open for the life of me! Not sure if I had a touch of what Kohen had while we were gone or if my body just needed to go into shut down/rest mode! I was in bed all day Thursday and most of the day Friday just sleeping! 
     I received an email a few days after the race with my official results. I was extremely happy with my time and places! 

     With that finishing time I qualified again for next year...which was my ultimate goal! Will I be there in 2015? That is still to be determined! Do I regret 4 months of dedicated, intense, pavement pounding, hill repeats, speed work, long runs in the cold and rain...NOT AT ALL!!  The Boston experience was worth every minute of it!! 
     Thank you again for all your love, support, encouragement, and prayers!! April 21, 2014 is a day that I will forever remember!! 
     Love to all!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

What a Day....

After a very long night and an early trip to the pediatrician's office this morning, the boys and I enjoyed this beautiful Presidents Day!! 

Keags was feeling a little under the weather.  However he had a negative strep test, has had no fever, has been eating and playing well, just has a yucky nagging cough 😟. Doctor said a cold on top of allergies and it just needs to run its course with the help of a little Claritin!

So, off to the park we go! I loaded up the boys bikes and we ventured over to Hope Park (along with the rest of the town of Frisco)! Not exaggerating when I tell y'all we had to follow somone to their car for a parking spot! CRAZY! 

We decided to hit the trails first!

The boys loved it! They stopped at almost every info post and Keagan would read what it said! We learned a lot about the different trees in the park!


Once the trail came to an end we ventured into the play area! This mamma was a nervous wreck! Hundreds and hundreds of people and I have two boys that want to go in seperate directions😟. I convinced them to stay together for the most part but we didn't last long in there! 

The boys decided they were having more fun on their bikes and found a nice circle path to ride around! Works for me...I found a bench and could keep my eyes on both of them! Win win!!

Love that toothless smile!!

Taking a break!!

We finished off our day with a swim in the spa, a nutritious dinner of hot dogs and Mac n Cheese (at the request of the boys), early baths, and settling in to watch the Olympics! Such a fun day with my little men (with a few brotherly fights here and there...you know, like who gets the Spider-Man plate over the Batman plate 😡) back to the grind tomorrow!! Hope y'all have a great week! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Starbucks!

With freezing cold temps in Texas lately, the boys have been requesting hot chocolate after school. So we come home and I mix up the good old Swiss Miss with marshmallows! They drink it down, and with chocolate all over their mouths head upstairs to play! 

Today we had to run to Target after school so I thought I would treat them to their first ever Starbucks! The windchill is 18 degrees and I had just finished an outside run so I also needed something warm!! 

"Boys, let's stop and get Starbucks before we shop!" 

"Sure mom!! That sounds great!" 

They were both super excited and watched the sweet girl make their special hot chocolate topped with whip cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup! Definitely better then what mom makes! 

This picture says it all....NOT IMPRESSED with their first Starbucks! Both cups were thrown away by the third isle! 

Keagan said, "Mom,I like your hot chocolate much better!"

Lesson learned!! We will stick with the Swiss Miss! #fivedollarsdownthedrain
Stay warm folks! 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Family Night Out - Let's Go Mavs!

Family Time!

Off to the Mavs game with the family! 

Anymore these days, we can't tell them anything fun until the minute we go.  It is not stop "what time are we going?", "what time are we going?" "when are we going?" "is it time to leave yet?"

So we get the kids ready to go and off to dinner first, with Kristen training for the Boston marathon we get Italian almost whenever we want! #smallvictories  So we went to Maggiano's at 5:30 and there was an hour and a half wait . . . Reallly an hour and a half at 5:30, what is going on?  Ain't nobody got time for that! Out the door and off to Kenny's Italian Kitchen in Addison.  

After a quick pit stop for some food, it was off to the America Airlines Center.

Photo time at the Mavs game, Mr Cooperative down at the bottom of the photo.

We had pretty good seats.  Keagan is really starting to take a strong interest into sports, knowing the teams, most of the rules and how to score.

A little game time action.  Mavs trailed the whole game!  Mark Cuban was not a happy camper.  

Then they started the kiss came, showed 3 or 4 different couples and then this couple came on the screen.  They kissed and then this happened.  She said YES!

It wouldn't be a family night together if Kohen didn't put on some type of act together for everyone to watch.

You're not asleep!

The MAVS lost by 30+ points, but that didn't stop us from having a great time at the game.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Egg-cellent Lunch

Today was a new adventure on the big green egg, a treat sure to please anyone.  Today the boys and I decided to make a fantastic lunch . . . . STROMBOLIS!!!!!  This delicious meal in a pocket is sure to astound even the most sophisticated taste buds.  The challenge comes down to the dough, ingredients and cooking times.

First the dough.

I used my new "EGG" dough mat to create the base for our meal.  The boys helped, we rotated the addition of each ingreadient to make sure everyone had a fair turn.  Once in the mixing bowl, we let it continue to knead for 6 minutes.  I think next time I will knead it longer, that might make it firmer.

I starterd the coals to the EGG.  I was able to get the temperature to 500 degrees for baking, once I reached that point I put the place setter in the EGG, followed by the grill grate and then on top of that I put the pizza stone.  I left this sit for 30 minutes to allow the stone to heat up to the proper temperature before placing the food inside.

Now we have an break in the action.  I was so EGG-cited to get the meal going that I forgoto to take some photos of my progress.  But a verbal recap, I rolled the dough out into rectangular sections to add ingredients.  We each chose different ingredients for our stromboli, added them to the dough leaving an empty edge to roll up and start the process.  Once rolled, I added some flavor to the crust and made some signature stromboli cuts to the dough to allow the insides to cook.  Now onto the EGG.

The one on the right looks the best as far as showing the most similarity to a stromboli with being golden borwn along with the dimensions.

Now they sit on the serviing platter, this is the last photo as I was too excited to cut them and taste.  I have to work on my form, but if you close your eyes and taste, you cannot tell a difference.  Keagan gave them a 10 star out of 10, yes, that is an official rating system.  The whole family enjoyed these.  Looks like I have a new meal to add to my egg recipes . . . still need to work on forming them properly, but delicious.