Thursday, October 25, 2012

Weekend Full of Fun!!

This past weekend Grandma Robbie and Papaw Rick came to visit us in Texas! We LOVE when family comes to visit and especially now that we have the extra space for our guests to stay! I'm sure this trip was anything but a relaxing vacation for them, but I'm pretty sure they enjoyed every minute of it!

The boys spent COUNTLESS HOURS outside riding their bikes, driving their dune buggy, and pulling the wagon. The famous quote of the weekend was, "Grandma and Papaw, will you watch us ride bikes?" I think it's safe to say they spent the majority of their trip out front making sure the boys were safe on their bikes...and meeting all our new neighbors!

Keags is on a 2 wheeler!! I took his training wheels off and he was cruising down the sidewalk in less than 2 minutes! 

A boy and his bike....

Kohen and Grandma returning from a wagon ride! 

Saturday we headed to a Halloween party at Lifetime Fitness and then to Keagan's soccer game. The boys had fun playing games, bouncing in the bounce house, and really just playing with balloons! What is it about a simple balloon that provides so much entertainment?? 

I feel pretty safe with Spider Man and a Firefighter in the house! 

Kohen wants to be a part of the team SO BAD! 

Keags played one of his best games ever and scored 1 goal! Grandma and Papaw were pretty excited to watch him play! 

Team Lightnings biggest fan!! 

Sunday morning we made a delicious brunch and then headed out to The Big Orange Pumpkin Patch. Despite temperatures in the high 80's, and extremely windy, we had a great time! Kohen (our little less cautious son) had fun feeding the animals and riding the train. Keagan wasn't really interested in anything except the hay maze and the free hot dog with paid admission!! Gotta love and appreciate the differences in our boys!! 

Kohen helping Papaw Rick feed the overly aggressive goats! 

Brave boy feeding them all on his own!! 

Mr. Adventure!! 

Fun afternoon at the pumpkin patch! 

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We left the pumpkin patch and headed straight to a birthday party for one of our new neighbor friends. The party was at the Main Event and we enjoyed watching the boys bowl and play the arcade games. Plus it never hurts to have two extra set of eyes at places like these! You give two little boys each a game card and they head in two different directions and go swipe happy!! 

We ended the night with a yummy homemade lasagna dinner and watching the Bengals play as best as they could :/ Sorry babe....

We let Keagan play hookie from school on Monday since it was their last day in town, and of course were outside riding bikes by 9:00 am! We headed to Rudy's BBQ for lunch and then off to Top Golf for a few rounds of golf! The boys (adults included) love this place! It really is a fun place to spend an afternoon and the weather was perfect! 

Foreshadowing...I think so! 

Grandma Robbie and Papaw Rick, thanks for making the trip to Texas to visit us! We sure loved having you and hope we didn't wear you out too much!! Miss you already! 



Clearly a great weekend!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ahoy Matey!

This past Saturday Frisco hosted their annual Mother Son Dance! Keagan and I attend the dance last year and he was extremely excited to go again this year. You have to be at least 4 years old so Kohen has to wait a few more years before he can join us for a night of dancing! We dressed in our finest pirate garb and had a wonderful time shaking our booties with friends!

"If you don't behave you will walk the plank!" 

Aidan, Andrew, and Keags ready to hit the dance floor! 

Fun times with my little man! 

His buddy Harrison from school. 

Dancing machine! 

Pure coincidence that Keags, Andrew, and Nathan all had the same costume! 

Having a blast! 

It was so nice to have a little one on one time with Keags. Rouse and I had the opportunity to get all fancied up and head to a charity Gala the same evening (which we would have loved to attend). However, I figure Keags won't want to dance the night away with him mom for many more years....I'll always be able to attend a gala!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Look A Likes???

"I can't believe how much Kohen looks just Keagan did when he started coming to school here!" If I heard this statement once, I heard it a thousand times this week at school! So here are a few comparison pictures of the boys. This was Keagan's first day back in September of 2009. He had just turned 2 and Kohen is almost 2 1/2. So, what do you think??


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School!!

First day of school 2012

We officially survived the summer!! The boys had their first day of school on Tuesday! Keagan is going to private kindergarten this year, although we are treating it more as a transitional kindergarten due to his August birthday. Kohen is attending the Mother's Day Out program at the same school 2 days a week! Which means.....this mama has 2 days to herself!! Lunch date anyone???

Both boys had a fantastic first day! Keagan walked in liked he owned the place, unpacked his backpack, gave me a kiss (the Hershey kind...from his teacher) and off he went! His teacher told me that around 11:30 he asked her how long his Kindergarten day was going to last!!

I wasn't quite sure what to expect out of Kohen. Normally, he's a pretty easy going little guy! Just goes with the flow and adapts to pretty much any situation, and his first day of "school" was just that! He did AWESOME!! Walked into his room, said hello to his teachers, hung up his backpack, found his seat, sat down to eat his snack, and finally kissed me goodbye! I couldn't believe how well he did! He acted like he'd been going to "school" for years! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad that he didn't cry or want me to stay, but I was SUPER proud of his confidence and him knowing that he was going to have a fun filled day with friends and that I would be back for him later! Fingers crossed his second drop off is just as easy!

LOVE this picture! Such a big boy! 

Hanging up his backpack! 

"It's okay mom, I'll be fine. You can leave now!" 
Kohen's teachers said he had a great first day. He did have a little trouble going to sleep on his nap mat, but eventually fell asleep. They also shared that he sang "Cheeseburger in Paradise" for everyone at the lunch table!! I know his Papaw Keith would be proud!!

I'm extremely excited for the boys this year! They have great teachers who are going to teach them more than I ever could at home, and they are going to make many new friends! Here's to a successful school year!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


The last time I posted a picture of the house we are building it looked something like this...

I also think I said something about our potential closing date being mid July! Well here we are, mid August, and we are still in our lovely (insert sarcasm ) apartment! We still don't have a definite closing date, they keep saying September 14th, but I'm just hoping to be in before Christmas!! 

Anyway, here are some updated pictures of our almost finished house! 

Here it is!! Still need doors stained and obviously the big pile of dirt removed from the front yard! 

Excuse the horrible looking into living room. 

Tons of cabinet space and a special spot for my wine fridge!!! :) 

Knuckleheads in front of the fireplace! 

Master bathroom

Game room

Wet bar! PARTY!! 

Another view of game room. The hallway leads to bedrooms.'s getting there! Fingers crossed for that September 14th date!