Saturday, September 8, 2012

Look A Likes???

"I can't believe how much Kohen looks just Keagan did when he started coming to school here!" If I heard this statement once, I heard it a thousand times this week at school! So here are a few comparison pictures of the boys. This was Keagan's first day back in September of 2009. He had just turned 2 and Kohen is almost 2 1/2. So, what do you think??


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School!!

First day of school 2012

We officially survived the summer!! The boys had their first day of school on Tuesday! Keagan is going to private kindergarten this year, although we are treating it more as a transitional kindergarten due to his August birthday. Kohen is attending the Mother's Day Out program at the same school 2 days a week! Which means.....this mama has 2 days to herself!! Lunch date anyone???

Both boys had a fantastic first day! Keagan walked in liked he owned the place, unpacked his backpack, gave me a kiss (the Hershey kind...from his teacher) and off he went! His teacher told me that around 11:30 he asked her how long his Kindergarten day was going to last!!

I wasn't quite sure what to expect out of Kohen. Normally, he's a pretty easy going little guy! Just goes with the flow and adapts to pretty much any situation, and his first day of "school" was just that! He did AWESOME!! Walked into his room, said hello to his teachers, hung up his backpack, found his seat, sat down to eat his snack, and finally kissed me goodbye! I couldn't believe how well he did! He acted like he'd been going to "school" for years! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad that he didn't cry or want me to stay, but I was SUPER proud of his confidence and him knowing that he was going to have a fun filled day with friends and that I would be back for him later! Fingers crossed his second drop off is just as easy!

LOVE this picture! Such a big boy! 

Hanging up his backpack! 

"It's okay mom, I'll be fine. You can leave now!" 
Kohen's teachers said he had a great first day. He did have a little trouble going to sleep on his nap mat, but eventually fell asleep. They also shared that he sang "Cheeseburger in Paradise" for everyone at the lunch table!! I know his Papaw Keith would be proud!!

I'm extremely excited for the boys this year! They have great teachers who are going to teach them more than I ever could at home, and they are going to make many new friends! Here's to a successful school year!!