Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break 2013

Well this blog sure is getting dusty.  It has been a while and apologies to all 3 of our loyal followers for such a delay.  We will try not to keep you waiting, but those of you with kids or who have grown kids, you know where we are coming from.  Especially the ones with the grown kids . . . . 

Spring Break 2013
Port Aransas, TX

This is the first spring break that we have taken the boys on and actually the first spring break either of us have been on in 12 years.  We have a friend here in Texas that has a house in Port Aransas and they were kind enough to let us stay there this week.  Not knowing what to expect for a spring break week we packed our car and started south. . . . oh yeah, with two other families.  We were accompanied by two close friends of ours and their families . . . and their kids friends.  The Claughtons, they have two girls the same age as our boys and we have known each other since we have been in Texas.  The Angelonis, who have two boys, both the same age apart as Keagan and Kohen, but 10 years older.  So it was like looking into a crystal ball.

Welcome to NASHville!

Not Nashville, TN.  NASHville Port Aransas, TX.
The Nashes are the homeowners and we are very grateful for sharing the house with us this week.


We decided to take the second day and go explore Corpus Christi. We stumbled across The USS Lexington.  This was a really cool experience and the kids loved it!

Steve mounts the machine gun!

The family preparing to board the USS Lexington.

Future Pilot?!?!?!

Future Co-Pilot?!?!?!

All of the kids were super pumped about going on the ship, they walked the whole thing!

Partners in crime.  Don't let the cute faces fool you!

Hanging out in NASHville

He left a permanent mark here.

Tom and Kristen

The view from the front balcony of our house.

These two played so well all week.  Just hanging out on the balcony.

A day at the beach.

Kaiden was such a good sport.  Letting the kids bury him in the sand.

Uh . . . . hello, my nose itches! HELLO!!! MY NOSE ITCHES!!!!  ANYONE THERE?!?!?!?!

The water had to be somewhere around 60 degrees, it was freezing!  Do you think they cared?

All four of the munchkins goofin around.

Ms Rita taught Kohen this dance move . . . "I'm surfin, I'm surfin"

Aunt Rita (or as Keagan would say Aunt Redo) playing with the kiddos building a sand snowman! 

Since I am in charge of taking all vaca photos, this is what you get of me.

Tommy and Kaiden, can't say enough how thankful we were to have these two.  They were great with the kids and gave us a little time to breathe on our trip.  Thank you boys!

SPRING BREAK 2013!  He doesn't get out much.

Tom and his boy Ryan.

All of the guys.

Getting ready for the Jetty Boat tour to go looking for some dolphins.

Mr. Tom and Kohen enjoying some dolphin watching.

Hmmmmm.  Should I have one more?

The boys sand castle on their last day.

Exhausted.  These two played hard all week, sometimes as brothers and sometimes not, but they had a blast. 

All in all it was a good week with little trouble for the amount of high school/college spring breakers in the area.  Very glad we were able to share the trip with some good friends and thankful everyone was safe.  Now on to the next debate, since we drove 8 hours on this trip, should we drive 12 to our next one?  Rouse-a-palooza 2013 in Destin, FL on the way.  Hopefully a few more updates before that.