Monday, December 19, 2011

Ready for the Holidays!!

We sure have been busy around the Rouse House lately! From Christmas programs, parties, shopping, wrapping, visiting Santa, Advent calendars, Elf on the Shelf, taking walks and rides to look at Christmas lights, baking, making reindeer food, watching Christmas movies, decorating, and redecorating (thanks to my wonderful Kohen) I think we are officially ready for Christmas!! I have a feeling Christmas morning is going to be tons of fun with our little guys! Only two more night time sleeps and Santa comes to Texas!! Keags and I wrote a letter to Santa asking him to come to our house in Texas before we made the trip to Ohio! Hopefully Keebler (our elf) will deliver our letter tonight!! Here are a few pics of our holiday happenings!! 

Keagan's class after their Christmas program. 

Enjoying Keagan's class party!! Kohen looks like he's had one too many cocktails and definitely got a haircut the next day!!! 

"I'll have peas instead of those Christmas cookies!" 
Icing Cookies for Santa! 
Can't forget the sprinkles! Oh and by the way, sticking out your tongue helps with concentration! 

All finished!! 

2011 Gingerbread House

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Snow Day!!

Today the boys and I had a snow day....well kind of!! So what if it was indoors with fake snow! We had tons of fun and are still finding snowflakes in silly places ( Keags undies)! 
Not even as tall as the baby polar bear! Maybe next year buddy! 

Monday, November 21, 2011


If you have never been to the ICE exhibit at the Gaylord Texan (or in other cities where ICE is held), then you must go! Everything is made from ice and ice sculptors come all the way from China to build these amazing scenes!  It is one of the "coolest"(no pun intended!)  things you will ever see and a great way to kick off the holiday season!

Two weeks ago Grandma Tessie and Papaw Keith came to town for a fun visit!! We picked them up from the airport, grabbed a yummy breakfast in downtown Grapevine, and headed straight for ICE! The theme this year was Shrek. Keags LOVES the Shrek movies so he was super excited!

Can't you see the excitement on Keagan's face??!! He was in NO MOOD for picture taking! 
Kohen loved every minute of ICE! 

You can't really tell but this was Shrek's outhouse!! 
Ice slide! 
After we braved the cold temperatures, we walked around the Gaylord for awhile and enjoyed all the Christmas decorations! 

Hope your holiday season is also off to a great start! Now, if I could only snap my fingers and the decorating and shopping be finished!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!!

Trick or Treating this year was So. Much. Fun!! We started the night at the Claughton's house( big thanks to Laura and Steve) for pizza and adult beverages, and then hit the streets for some yummy treats!! The kids were super excited and looked adorable in their costumes.

Kohen and Evan's faces crack me up!
This year the adults also dressed up. Rouse and I were going to be Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, but those wolf masks are SUPER scary and we didn't want the kids to be scared. So he decided to be Kohen's caddy instead! 

Keags was a super fast, lets hit every house, the more candy the better, kind of trick or treater! And Kohen acted like he had been doing it for years! They both carried their pumpkins the entire time (Kohen insisted) and they were getting quite heavy! 


Keags and his ladies! 

So lucky to have such great friends! 

Trick or Treat!! 

We hope everyone else had as much fun on Halloween as we did! find a place to donate all this candy! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Yesterday we decided we should carve a pumpkin in preparation for trick or treat tonight! Keagan chose a stencil with two ghosts, or "GO" as Kohen calls them! We headed outside and got to work!

Two Ghosts! 

Kohen was a little hesitant when it came time to scoop out the pumpkin guts! Keags on the other hand was inside the house gagging and WOULD NOT come back outside until the guts were thrown away!! 

Tracing the stencil! 

Rouse explained to the boys that carving pumpkins is so much easier now then when he was a kid!
Someone lost interest after about 5 minutes and decided riding his bumper car was more exciting!
The finished product!! Great work boys! 

Crazy kids!!
Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Family Picture

The other day Keagan wanted to draw me a picture so we got out the paper and markers and he sat down at the kitchen table and got to work! He didn't want me to look at his picture until he was finished. When he called me over to the table this is what I saw...

The Rouse Family!

He proudly told me who each person was and then informed me we all have boogers in our noses! Can't you see them??!! Hopefully he didn't inherit my artistic abilities!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sock Hop

First of many mother son dances took place last night.  Keagan and Kristen took to the dance floor last night in their 50's attire with friends Nathan and Shannon.  I think the ladies got a little more into costume than the boys.

I tried to roll a pack of marlboro reds in his sleeves, just didn't seem appropriate at 4 years old.

These two were ready to dance before they got there.

The boys and their dates.  Be home by 8:00!

Some serious choreography going on here.

I got the moves like Jagger!

"Nathan, I'll watch the front, while you spike the punch!"

Overall the boys had a great time cuttin a rug with their moms.  How many more years will that last?  Enjoy the video below.

I laugh every time I see the premeditated pocket move at the end.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rouse Wrestle Mania!!

 Rouse had been out of town for 5 days and the boys and I really missed him. We stayed busy with school, soccer, the gym, parks, school festivals, and everyday routine type stuff! Last night we were all able to sit down for a yummy homemade lasagna dinner(made by yours truly) and then finished the night with an all out wrestling match! These boys are tough I tell you! It makes me a nervous wreck and I always pray we don't end up in the ER, but they have a blast! Just see for yourself! 

Thanks blogging police, (i.e. the guy in the middle of this picture) for reminding me to update the blog!! 
We sure missed you and are glad you are home! xoxo