Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Yesterday we decided we should carve a pumpkin in preparation for trick or treat tonight! Keagan chose a stencil with two ghosts, or "GO" as Kohen calls them! We headed outside and got to work!

Two Ghosts! 

Kohen was a little hesitant when it came time to scoop out the pumpkin guts! Keags on the other hand was inside the house gagging and WOULD NOT come back outside until the guts were thrown away!! 

Tracing the stencil! 

Rouse explained to the boys that carving pumpkins is so much easier now then when he was a kid!
Someone lost interest after about 5 minutes and decided riding his bumper car was more exciting!
The finished product!! Great work boys! 

Crazy kids!!
Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!!

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