Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gettin' Buff!!

Today the boys decided to work on their "buffness" at home! Evidently our trip to the gym this morning wasn't enough of a workout!

Stretching first...

Marching in place...

Working the legs...

Kicking the little brother, or choose! 

Can't forget the shoulders...

And finally...the ever dreaded squat!! 

These boys have endless energy I tell ya!! TGIF (almost!!)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is Summer Over Yet??

This is the question Keagan asks me almost daily! "Mom, is summer over yet? I want to go to Pre-K!" No kidding folks...he's ready for school to start and so is this mama!! I'm running out of ideas to keep these two active boys entertained, especially when it's 107 degrees outside!! However, we had a full calendar this week with fun friends! 

Tuesday was my birthday and we met some friends for lunch at Cici's Pizza! The boys love this place and it's extremely cheap so it's a win, win!! We walked in, I ordered our lunch, and as I went to pay the cashier Keagan pulled out his wallet and handed the man $20. He looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm buying your birthday lunch!" He was so proud of himself! I'd be lying if I didn't say I shed a little tear. Hopefully, he continues to be quite the gentleman! 

That evening the boys took me to Tru Fire for a delicious dinner! Then we hit up Dairy Queen for blizzards and came home for cake and ice cream! 

Getting ready to sing "Happy Birthday!" 

Kohen enjoying his ice cream!! 

The little gentleman himself! 

The next day we went to a friends house for a play date! While the mommies were downstairs chatting and having a little "birthday cocktail" the big kids were upstairs playing so well! All of the sudden they announced they were having a fashion show and asked us to come to the stairs! Love their imaginations!! Thanks Cassie for the awesome afternoon of fun!! 

My handsome cowboy!! Really they are Jessie the cowgirls pants, but I certainlyy didn't him tell him that! 

Walking the catwalk!! 
Kohen also enjoyed himself!! Poor guy took a spill at the gym that morning and has a busted chin :(


Today we decided to try out a new indoor play area called The Ark! 

This place was AWESOME!! The Ark is located inside First Baptist church in Coppell and it is FREE to the community! My boys loved it and it was a great way to get out some energy this afternoon! 

I give this place 2 thumbs up!!

"Catch me if you can!"

Sweet Eva

Anna enjoying the slide! 

"Mom, do you see this octopus?"

Sweet friends! 
So to answer the original question...we have 27 days until Keags goes back to school! I think we'll make it!! Hope you've had as much fun this week as we have!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keagan is 4!!!

I really can't wrap my head around the fact that we have a 4 year old!! How did this happen?? Some days I wish time would slow down, and other days (when the 4 year old attitude comes out) I wish they would speed up! Keags is a very spirited, strong willed, loving life, kind of kid!! In other words, he can be TONS of fun, and cause his mother TONS of stress all in the same minute!!

Yep! That's me!! 
Saturday August 30th

I'm pretty sure Keagan enjoyed, what seemed like, a week long birthday celebration! We decided to have his party at Life Time Fitness around the pool! The kids played games in the water, swam under the mushroom waterfall, ate pizza and cupcakes, and then headed home to get out of this crazy Texas heat!!  Keagan received some really nice gifts from all his wonderful friends and we would like to thank you again for helping us celebrate!!

Let's Go Swim!! 

Such a little fish!! 

Keags and his bff Nathan! 

Kohen heading to the water! 
Keags is all about Spider Man this year and asked for this cupcake cake! 

Opening all his nice gifts!

Sunday, August 31st

The next night we continued his birthday celebration by going to the circus! We met some of our good friends for an early dinner at Chuy's and then headed downtown for the show! I think it's safe to say that EVERYONE enjoyed the circus! It was such great entertainment, maybe a little over stimulating, but definitely worth it!

Just what these two crazy boys need...swords!!

Overstimulated yet??

Can't take his eyes off all the action! 

Mesmerized by something...

Sitting with Papaw Rick! 
Monday, August 1st

So how do you celebrate your "actual" birthday when you've already had your party with friends and been to the circus?? You have a great day of family fun!! Monday morning Keags woke up pretty excited about turning 4! He chose chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and then he opened his gift from us! 

He looks so serious! 

Keags first set of real golf clubs!! 

Ready to hit the course in his pj's!! 
He was so excited about his new clubs and went straight to the backyard to do a few practice swings! Not to toot my kids own horn, but this kid can swing a club!! Grandma Robbie and Papaw Rick finished off the golf bag with some practice balls, a glove, and a hat! He definitely looks the part and I'm hoping to follow him on tour one day!! 

After several practice swings in the backyard, and even a trip to the park to really swing his new clubs, we headed out for Lego Land!! Lego Land recently opened in Grapevine so we thought we would check it out! Evidently, LOTS of people wanted to check it out because it was CRAZY! Once we actually got through the line and inside we did have lots of fun! It's amazing what can be built out of Lego's! Keagan's favorite part of Lego Land was building Lego cars and racing them down the ramps. I'm pretty confident he could have done this all day! 

Lego Buzz! 

Papaw entertaining Kohen while we waited in line! 

Building one of his race cars! 
Racing his car down the ramp! 

Kohen enjoying the bigger Lego's! 
On our way back to the car we passed the carousel and Keags just HAD to go for a ride! So guess who volunteered to take them...yep, the grandparents!! I'm not sure Grandma Robbie was too happy with Keagan choosing the spinning seat, but he loved it!

"Keagan, I know it's your birthday, but do we really need to spin?"

LOVED the horse! 
For dinner that evening Keags chose spaghetti and meatballs! Rouse made the meatballs before we left for Lego Land, so dinner was pretty easy when we arrived home! We all had a delicious meal and just before we were about to sing one last Happy Birthday to Keags, we received a face time call from Uncle Kurt in Ohio! Perfect timing!!

Love this picture because he is looking at his Uncle Kurt on the IPad! Gotta love technology! 

Making his wish!! 

So there you have it!! Three days of fun birthday activities!! Oh, and he was wide awake at 6:30 the next morning, dressed and ready to go to the driving range!

Keagan...I hope you had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed everything we did! You are such a sweet, funny, caring, handsome, wise beyond your years, little boy!! I love you more then you will ever know and am proud to be your mom!! Happy 4th Birthday!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This past week we had an AWESOME time with Grandma Robbie and Papaw Rick! They were visiting from Ohio and picked the hottest week of the year to come to Texas! The temperature hit 110 yesterday and we are on track to set a record for the number of consecutive days in the triple digits!! It is HOT!!! So what did we do to beat the heat??? We hit up splash parks, the pool, the rec center, sprinklers, Lego Land, the circus, restaurants, the golf name it, and we probably did it!! It's always so much fun to have family visit, but ALWAYS so sad and hard to say goodbye :( It's days like today (they just left about 2 hours ago) that I really wish we lived closer to family so the boys could spend more time with their grandparents. But, we love Texas so we'll just enjoy each and every visit to the fullest!!! Here are some of my favorite pictures from their trip!!

Lunch with Grandma after the splash park!! 

Grandma Robbie gives the best piggy back rides!! 

YAY for Grandparents!! 
Being silly with Papaw Rick!

What are grandparents the best at??? SPOILING their grandchildren!! Rick and Robbie shipped this package full of goodies to the boys because they didn't have room left in their luggage!! They love their pillow pets, and I must say they are quite comfy! 

Everyone took a turn trying the new, cool, wiggly sprinkler!! 

Swimming with Papaw! 

Kohen swimming to the steps!! 

What a GOOFBALL!! Going down the slide into the pool! 

Doing a little reading with Grandma! 

Thank you so much for visiting us! We loved every minute of you being here and hope you enjoyed your time as well! Love you!!