Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This past week we had an AWESOME time with Grandma Robbie and Papaw Rick! They were visiting from Ohio and picked the hottest week of the year to come to Texas! The temperature hit 110 yesterday and we are on track to set a record for the number of consecutive days in the triple digits!! It is HOT!!! So what did we do to beat the heat??? We hit up splash parks, the pool, the rec center, sprinklers, Lego Land, the circus, restaurants, the golf name it, and we probably did it!! It's always so much fun to have family visit, but ALWAYS so sad and hard to say goodbye :( It's days like today (they just left about 2 hours ago) that I really wish we lived closer to family so the boys could spend more time with their grandparents. But, we love Texas so we'll just enjoy each and every visit to the fullest!!! Here are some of my favorite pictures from their trip!!

Lunch with Grandma after the splash park!! 

Grandma Robbie gives the best piggy back rides!! 

YAY for Grandparents!! 
Being silly with Papaw Rick!

What are grandparents the best at??? SPOILING their grandchildren!! Rick and Robbie shipped this package full of goodies to the boys because they didn't have room left in their luggage!! They love their pillow pets, and I must say they are quite comfy! 

Everyone took a turn trying the new, cool, wiggly sprinkler!! 

Swimming with Papaw! 

Kohen swimming to the steps!! 

What a GOOFBALL!! Going down the slide into the pool! 

Doing a little reading with Grandma! 

Thank you so much for visiting us! We loved every minute of you being here and hope you enjoyed your time as well! Love you!!

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