Sunday, December 15, 2013

Is this Texas?

Last week was a parallel universe here in Texas. With the winter arctic warning a week earlier and getting nothing, the last warning seemed to be a cry of wolf and standard over reaction by the weather team. This time they got it right. 

A winter wonderland has hit. Usually when this happens, the mysterious white powder disappears in a matter of hours. Not this time. The boys and the neighbors had 4 - 5 days of fun on what can only be described as a 3 inch sheet of ice. The sledding was some of the best I have participated in, and never would have imagined it would be down here. 

Mother Nature popsicles had formed on everything and created a beautiful scene all around the city. . . . for a minute. Then the chaos of being unprepared for such an event. 

Groceries could not restock the shelves. Power lines were down and thousands without heat. Trees falling and snapping due to the weight of the ice. 

Ice falling off of roofs onto vehicles made national news. (Luckily not my car). 

I am happy to report that we are starting to thaw out and only small remnants remain as proof that this storm came through. 

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