Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!!

Trick or Treating this year was So. Much. Fun!! We started the night at the Claughton's house( big thanks to Laura and Steve) for pizza and adult beverages, and then hit the streets for some yummy treats!! The kids were super excited and looked adorable in their costumes.

Kohen and Evan's faces crack me up!
This year the adults also dressed up. Rouse and I were going to be Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, but those wolf masks are SUPER scary and we didn't want the kids to be scared. So he decided to be Kohen's caddy instead! 

Keags was a super fast, lets hit every house, the more candy the better, kind of trick or treater! And Kohen acted like he had been doing it for years! They both carried their pumpkins the entire time (Kohen insisted) and they were getting quite heavy! 


Keags and his ladies! 

So lucky to have such great friends! 

Trick or Treat!! 

We hope everyone else had as much fun on Halloween as we did! find a place to donate all this candy! :)

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