Sunday, March 11, 2012


I know I've been neglecting our blog lately, but I think I have a pretty good reason!

At the beginning of the year we decided to put our house on the market. We thought we would just list it and see what happened. If it sold, AWESOME, and if not, NO BIGGIE! We really love our house, love the location, love the school, we just wanted a little more space. So, on January 20th we were up for sale and by February 2nd we were in contract with new buyers! Feeling very blessed we sold so fast, we only had one minor issue...where are we going to go?? Rouse and I both agreed we would not actively go through other homes until our home sold. We really didn't want to fall in love with another house and then have to lose it because our house didn't sell. So we started our search and found this...

Yes folks we are building on this lot! We are very nervous, anxious, overwhelmed, but most of all extremely excited! Because we are building that also means 2 moves, and a short term lease in an apartment until the house is finished. We keep reminding ourselves it will all be worth it in the end!! Especially when these two have room to run, play, climb trees, and just be boys!

Iron Man and a Cowboy make packing so much more fun!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we make the move out of our first home in Texas, into an apartment, and finally into our new home hopefully by July! It should be a fun and interesting summer!!

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