Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beds and Boots!

Well, the time has come to move Keagan out of his toddler bed and into a full size bed! He just looked so cramped in that little toddler bed and had no room to move! He was SO excited about this new bed and couldn't wait to head to bed that night. He took his bath, brushed his teeth, we read a couple books, tucked him in, and then the MASSIVE meltdown started! I'm talking huge tears, couldn't catch his breath to talk, out of control :(  We were not prepared for this and thought this transition would go smoothly. Poor guy was scared there were monsters under his bed and afraid to sleep in the dark. After about 30 minutes we were able to get him calmed down and put a little lamp in his room and he went to sleep with the lamp on. The next day we took a trip to Target and he picked out a rocket shaped night light! We plugged his rocket in and he hasn't had a meltdown since! Now he looks so little in that big ole' bed!!

Checking for monsters before nap!
I'm really starting to think my boys have a shoe fetish! Last time it was tennis shoes, today...BOOTS!!

Planks and push-ups in their boots!!

Never a dull moment in the Rouse House!! 

Friday, July 15, 2011


 Friday night has become pizza night in the Rouse House! Some weeks we pick up Little Caesars "Hot and Ready Pizza", other weeks we have pizza delivered, but I think our favorite has become Palio's Cafe!

Palio's has yummy pizza and cheese bread for the boys, and DELICIOUS salads for this mama!!

That looks like a TON of pizza but it was GONE when we left! 

Another reason we enjoy frequenting Palio's, is the restaurant is BYOB or in our case BYOW (bring your own wine)! They have a cute little corking station where you can uncork your own wine to enjoy with dinner!


And what goes better with pizza (and wine!) then a little frozen yogurt for dessert!! After dinner we head down two doors for a little treat at Berri Luscious!

Delicious Disaster! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cell Phone Flash Back!

Today I decided to download all the pictures off my cell phone and thought it would be fun to share a few...or 30! Sorry, I just couldn't narrow it down! I had over 300! The quality isn't the best but the subjects are pretty handsome!! Enjoy!

Sweet Brothers! 

Successful Park Play date! 

Cutest giraffe I've ever seen! 

First time riding in the shopping cart! 

Kept this to frame!! 

Western Day at School

Playing together! 

Successful plane ride! 

Poor Kohen covered in hives. Allergic to his antibiotic :(

Celebrating his 3 1/2 birthday! 

Keags collecting snow to make our snow ice cream!

First trip to the beach! 

First trip to the driving range! 

Future PGA star...

Cowboy birthday! 

Easter 2011

Not quite sure what signal he was giving me! 

Baby Kohen! 

Potty training...hence the towel! 

Starting to smile! 

First time sleeping on his belly! 

Family bowling night! 

Chunky Monkey! 

LOVE this! 

First attempt at his big boy bike! 3 years old.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Big Shoes!

Sunday morning I was back in our bedroom making the bed, and heard lots of giggling coming from the living room. Keagan was saying, "Kohen you wear mommy's and I'll wear daddy's!" I walked into the living room to see these two crazy kids wearing our tennis shoes! They love to wear our shoes, especially Kohen. He's actually pretty good at putting them on the right feet and walking through the house! Take a look at these silly boys!

Check out those big feet!
Someone thought this was HILARIOUS!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

David Chicken Concert!

With temperatures in the triple digits this week, we took a break from the sun and headed to Willowbend today for the David Chicken Concert! David is kind of a quirky guy, but very entertaining!

Introducing....Mr. David Chicken!

David Chicken has a side kick he calls Mama Chicken! I'm not sure if she's really his mom but she was super cute and even rapped!

Mama Chicken!

The boys really enjoyed themselves and clapped and danced through the entire show. I tried to get Keags to go up on stage, but he was content shaking his little booty right by me.

Another great day with my boys! How many days until school starts??? Just kidding.... kind of!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We have a climber!

Maybe we should start calling him, "Kohen the Climber!" This kid is FEARLESS! First it was the bottom step, then his PB chair, the drawer on the stove, and now the kitchen table! This little guy is strong! Check out his progression...

First, we muscle our way onto the chair.

Next, we climb over to the table!

Finally,  we stand up with the proudest look on our face!!

 I guess the monkey on his shirt is quite appropriate!