Thursday, July 7, 2011

David Chicken Concert!

With temperatures in the triple digits this week, we took a break from the sun and headed to Willowbend today for the David Chicken Concert! David is kind of a quirky guy, but very entertaining!

Introducing....Mr. David Chicken!

David Chicken has a side kick he calls Mama Chicken! I'm not sure if she's really his mom but she was super cute and even rapped!

Mama Chicken!

The boys really enjoyed themselves and clapped and danced through the entire show. I tried to get Keags to go up on stage, but he was content shaking his little booty right by me.

Another great day with my boys! How many days until school starts??? Just kidding.... kind of!


  1. So far so good on your blogging!! Just don't get too far behind! I'm in the midst of updating right now and have been at it for 3 hours....

    Love the dancing!
