Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Beds and Boots!

Well, the time has come to move Keagan out of his toddler bed and into a full size bed! He just looked so cramped in that little toddler bed and had no room to move! He was SO excited about this new bed and couldn't wait to head to bed that night. He took his bath, brushed his teeth, we read a couple books, tucked him in, and then the MASSIVE meltdown started! I'm talking huge tears, couldn't catch his breath to talk, out of control :(  We were not prepared for this and thought this transition would go smoothly. Poor guy was scared there were monsters under his bed and afraid to sleep in the dark. After about 30 minutes we were able to get him calmed down and put a little lamp in his room and he went to sleep with the lamp on. The next day we took a trip to Target and he picked out a rocket shaped night light! We plugged his rocket in and he hasn't had a meltdown since! Now he looks so little in that big ole' bed!!

Checking for monsters before nap!
I'm really starting to think my boys have a shoe fetish! Last time it was tennis shoes, today...BOOTS!!

Planks and push-ups in their boots!!

Never a dull moment in the Rouse House!! 

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