Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas this year started a little early when Santa made a stop in Texas on December 21st! The boys sprinkled their reindeer food outside, put out milk and cookies for Santa, listened to The Night Before Christmas, and went to bed! Well, not really! Keagan was up every 10 minutes checking to see if Santa had arrived. We tried to tell him Santa wouldn't come until he was fast asleep but that didn't stop him from coming out of his room. I think he finally gave up around 10:00! That morning we opened gifts as a family, made m&m pancakes, and the boys opened and played with every single new toy! It was such a fun morning!

The next morning we had a 3:15 am wake up call in order to make our 6:30 flight to Ohio! We always book the earliest flight because it has the shortest travel time but always regret that decision when the alarm goes off! It's nice to be in Ohio by 11:00 though and the boys were great travelers. I'm pretty confident Keagan could get through security, board a plane, order his own drink, find baggage claim, and be on his way. He's a pro! Kohen still needs a little more practice!

While in Ohio we celebrated Christmas 5 times! Yes, 5!! The boys had the best time opening gifts, playing with cousins that we don't get to see nearly enough, getting ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they wanted from their grandparents, and staying up way past their normal bedtime.

Christmas Eve

Kohen was happy as can be plaything in the dog cage! 

While poor Keags fell asleep watching the gift exchange :( 

Kohen testing out his new "Boogie Legs!"

Christmas or Halloween?? 

Love the excitement on Kohen's face!

"Kohen, I love you so much! Can I play with your race track?"

We had a wonderful holiday season and have many things to be thankful for! Cheers to a happy and healthy 2012 and many new adventures with our sweet boys!

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