Saturday, May 19, 2012


A 2nd birthday party a month later is better than no party at all, right???  Kohen's actual birthday fell the weekend after we moved so we decided to wait and celebrate at the end of the month! He didn't really care, or even realize, but I'm positive he thought he had the longest birthday celebration on the planet! Lucky boy!! We had the party at My Gym and it was awesome!! Kohen LOVES attending My Gym once a week so I knew this would be the perfect party place for him! I think it's safe to say he and all the other kiddos had a great time! And aside from a little mishap after the party (an accidental locking of the keys in the car....not by me though :)) the party was a HUGE success!

Happy Birthday to me!!

Kohen and Sarah enjoying the ball pit! 
Keags and Andrew jumping away! 
This boy loves to jump! 
Circle Time! 
Evidently, something in his nose was bothering him!! 
Kohen and Stella...aka "sissy" listening to the directions! 
Keags, Nathan, and Andrew having fun! 
Treats and favors. 
Make a wish.... 
Great friends! 
Thank you to all those who helped us celebrate! Kohen is truly blessed to have such great friends!! 

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