Monday, August 13, 2012

Keagan is 5!!!!

Before I get into all the awesome birthday details, I must apologize to those who actually enjoy reading our blog. I really have no excuse for the lack of blogging this summer! So....I'm sorry!!

Now, for the 5th birthday extravaganza!! Keags turned 5 on August 1st and I think the entire cities of Frisco and Plano knew it was his birthday. He told EVERYONE we came in contact with that day! Obviously he was super excited about turning 5!!

We started the day bright and early by opening gifts from us and then heading to The Original Pancake House for breakfast! Keagan wanted chocolate chip pancakes and ate every single bite! He kept saying, "Mom, can you believe how much I can eat now that I'm 5!" Then we took Kohen to his My Gym class and then headed to Lifetime so I could get a quick workout in. The childcare staff was so kind to Keagan. They gave him a birthday crown, and had all the children sing Happy Birthday to him! I heard he was a little shy or even embarrassed, but he talked about it all day long!!

So excited about his new Nintendo DS!
All the boys enjoying the DS! 
That evening Keagan requested Blue Goose for dinner and then it was off to the circus with our great friends! Our seats were super high (due to the promo $10 tickets I purchased) but the boys didn't care! They loved every minute of the 2 1/2 hour show!

We love the Goose! 
Kohen's typical picture with his chips and "dip dip!" 
Make a wish!! 
Escalator ride to the top of the AAC!! 
Crazy boys!! 

This past weekend we had Keagan's party with all his friends at a Frisco Fire Station. This party was AWESOME!! The fireman did an amazing job with the kids! They were funny, educational, patient, and just fun to be around! The kiddos and the parents really enjoyed themselves! 

Talking about fire safety!
Everyone listening so well! 
Stop. Drop. and Roll! 

In full gear! 

During the party the fireman talked to the kids about fire safety, when and when NOT to call 911, and how to stop, drop, and roll. Then we went on a tour of the station. We got to see where the fireman sleep, looked inside the ambulance and care flight, and played inside a firetruck. We ended the party with cookie cake and ice cream in the fireman's kitchen! 

Keagan had strict instructions on his cake this year! It had to be a cookie cake, with M&M's, a red firetruck, and say Happy 5th Birthday Keagan! You better believe he checked every last detail when I picked it up! 

Party Animals....minus a few! 
Keags, we really can't believe you are 5!! Time is flying! You are such a fun, energetic, personable, loving, sometimes difficult to deal with, but SUPER COOL little boy! We hope you had a fun and fantastic birthday! Love you mister man!!!!

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