Monday, February 17, 2014

What a Day....

After a very long night and an early trip to the pediatrician's office this morning, the boys and I enjoyed this beautiful Presidents Day!! 

Keags was feeling a little under the weather.  However he had a negative strep test, has had no fever, has been eating and playing well, just has a yucky nagging cough 😟. Doctor said a cold on top of allergies and it just needs to run its course with the help of a little Claritin!

So, off to the park we go! I loaded up the boys bikes and we ventured over to Hope Park (along with the rest of the town of Frisco)! Not exaggerating when I tell y'all we had to follow somone to their car for a parking spot! CRAZY! 

We decided to hit the trails first!

The boys loved it! They stopped at almost every info post and Keagan would read what it said! We learned a lot about the different trees in the park!


Once the trail came to an end we ventured into the play area! This mamma was a nervous wreck! Hundreds and hundreds of people and I have two boys that want to go in seperate directions😟. I convinced them to stay together for the most part but we didn't last long in there! 

The boys decided they were having more fun on their bikes and found a nice circle path to ride around! Works for me...I found a bench and could keep my eyes on both of them! Win win!!

Love that toothless smile!!

Taking a break!!

We finished off our day with a swim in the spa, a nutritious dinner of hot dogs and Mac n Cheese (at the request of the boys), early baths, and settling in to watch the Olympics! Such a fun day with my little men (with a few brotherly fights here and know, like who gets the Spider-Man plate over the Batman plate 😡) back to the grind tomorrow!! Hope y'all have a great week! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Starbucks!

With freezing cold temps in Texas lately, the boys have been requesting hot chocolate after school. So we come home and I mix up the good old Swiss Miss with marshmallows! They drink it down, and with chocolate all over their mouths head upstairs to play! 

Today we had to run to Target after school so I thought I would treat them to their first ever Starbucks! The windchill is 18 degrees and I had just finished an outside run so I also needed something warm!! 

"Boys, let's stop and get Starbucks before we shop!" 

"Sure mom!! That sounds great!" 

They were both super excited and watched the sweet girl make their special hot chocolate topped with whip cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup! Definitely better then what mom makes! 

This picture says it all....NOT IMPRESSED with their first Starbucks! Both cups were thrown away by the third isle! 

Keagan said, "Mom,I like your hot chocolate much better!"

Lesson learned!! We will stick with the Swiss Miss! #fivedollarsdownthedrain
Stay warm folks! 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Family Night Out - Let's Go Mavs!

Family Time!

Off to the Mavs game with the family! 

Anymore these days, we can't tell them anything fun until the minute we go.  It is not stop "what time are we going?", "what time are we going?" "when are we going?" "is it time to leave yet?"

So we get the kids ready to go and off to dinner first, with Kristen training for the Boston marathon we get Italian almost whenever we want! #smallvictories  So we went to Maggiano's at 5:30 and there was an hour and a half wait . . . Reallly an hour and a half at 5:30, what is going on?  Ain't nobody got time for that! Out the door and off to Kenny's Italian Kitchen in Addison.  

After a quick pit stop for some food, it was off to the America Airlines Center.

Photo time at the Mavs game, Mr Cooperative down at the bottom of the photo.

We had pretty good seats.  Keagan is really starting to take a strong interest into sports, knowing the teams, most of the rules and how to score.

A little game time action.  Mavs trailed the whole game!  Mark Cuban was not a happy camper.  

Then they started the kiss came, showed 3 or 4 different couples and then this couple came on the screen.  They kissed and then this happened.  She said YES!

It wouldn't be a family night together if Kohen didn't put on some type of act together for everyone to watch.

You're not asleep!

The MAVS lost by 30+ points, but that didn't stop us from having a great time at the game.