Monday, February 17, 2014

What a Day....

After a very long night and an early trip to the pediatrician's office this morning, the boys and I enjoyed this beautiful Presidents Day!! 

Keags was feeling a little under the weather.  However he had a negative strep test, has had no fever, has been eating and playing well, just has a yucky nagging cough 😟. Doctor said a cold on top of allergies and it just needs to run its course with the help of a little Claritin!

So, off to the park we go! I loaded up the boys bikes and we ventured over to Hope Park (along with the rest of the town of Frisco)! Not exaggerating when I tell y'all we had to follow somone to their car for a parking spot! CRAZY! 

We decided to hit the trails first!

The boys loved it! They stopped at almost every info post and Keagan would read what it said! We learned a lot about the different trees in the park!


Once the trail came to an end we ventured into the play area! This mamma was a nervous wreck! Hundreds and hundreds of people and I have two boys that want to go in seperate directions😟. I convinced them to stay together for the most part but we didn't last long in there! 

The boys decided they were having more fun on their bikes and found a nice circle path to ride around! Works for me...I found a bench and could keep my eyes on both of them! Win win!!

Love that toothless smile!!

Taking a break!!

We finished off our day with a swim in the spa, a nutritious dinner of hot dogs and Mac n Cheese (at the request of the boys), early baths, and settling in to watch the Olympics! Such a fun day with my little men (with a few brotherly fights here and know, like who gets the Spider-Man plate over the Batman plate 😡) back to the grind tomorrow!! Hope y'all have a great week! 

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