Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So I guess I should take the hint I received from my husband this morning, "Hey babe, you haven't posted a blog in awhile," and get a blog posted today! It's not like we haven't been busy or anything!

Keagan started Pre-K and is going 3 days a week. He is really enjoying his teacher and new classmates and so far we have had all GREEN light days!! It's still early in the year though!! 

Keagan is also playing on the Armadillos soccer team and Rouse is coaching! I sort of volunteered Rouse to be a coach after receiving numerous emails from the association saying that they needed coaches or kids wouldn't be able to play. I'm not sure he is too thrilled about it, but he's doing a great job with the kids and I think he's learning a little bit about soccer himself! Keags is loving it and poor Kohen just wants to be out on the field...few years buddy! 

OK mom! 

Love the determination on his face! 

Heading for the goal!

Aside from the 8:00 a.m. games on Saturday mornings I'm really enjoying being a soccer mom!! 

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