Thursday, September 8, 2011


Keagan has been asking to go fishing for months
and months! Every time we would drive by the ponds in our neighborhood he would BEG to go fishing. I kept telling him it was too hot to sit outside, and he didn't have a fishing pole so how was he going to fish?? Well, he had it all figured out...

"Mom, we can go to Target and get a fishing pole. I've seen them there before when we were buying your water bottle. You just go in the green door, get a cookie, and then go left and you'll see them hanging on the shelf. Then daddy will put the shrimp (not sure why he wants to use shrimp as bait) on the hook because that isn't a Keagan job. Then I will make a big cast out into the pond to catch the fish. Does that sound like a plan mom?"

Not kidding folks...Keags was on a serious mission to go fishing! So when Uncle Kurt came to town last week, they went to Target (he didn't get a cookie!) bought a fishing pole, and went fishing! He LOVED it! Didn't catch a SINGLE fish and sat down there for almost 2 hours! I was impressed he stuck with it that long, especially not catching anything! They even went back the next day with different bait and still no luck! Oh well, it's the fun that counts!

Thanks Uncle Kurt for capturing some great pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that last picture - SO CUTE!!! Lainey wants to try fishing, too, but only because she wants a princess fishing pole. :) Adorable "plan" that Keagan came up with. He's obviously thought this through once or twice! :) Love it!! Hope school is going well!!
