Tuesday, September 6, 2011

That's My Uncle Right There! Have You Seen My Cool Uncle??

Kurt, I know you will understand and appreciate that blog title!!

Uncle Kurt was in town for the long Labor Day weekend and we had such a fun visit!! Kurt is such a great uncle! He can get the boys in and out of their car seats, does bath time, reads stories, wrestles, golfs, swims, fishes, disciplines, and makes the yummiest bananas fosters ever!!!

Story Time! 
1, 2, 3, JUMP!! 

Keagan the flying swimmer! 
Top Golf!  
Just hanging out in his stroller watching everyone golf! 
Look, I can climb and drink my water at the same time!! 
So FUN!!
Thank you Uncle Kurt for spending 5 days with us! We love having visitors and you are welcome to come back anytime...think fried turkey!!!  Miss you already!

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